Did you know:

Horses have the record for longest distance travelled by any mammal! In 1937, the horse, Baron Von Periwinkle set the world record running a whopping 2000 consecutve miles before dying of exhaustion! Thats a lot! Due to the prohibition of preformance enhancing drugs and expansion of horse rights, the record is still yet to be beat.

Did you know?

You can tell a horse's age through their teeth! If you're able to get close enough to count them without being gored, you can tell their age by the amount of teeth they have. That's pretty cool!

Did you know?

If well cared for, horses can grow to be up to 20 ft. tall! This is because the height of a horse is directly proportional to the amount of love they are given as a foal. That's the reason miniature horses are so miserable! The more you know!

Did you know?

Horses have a better memory than elephants! In horses, the part of the brain that holds information is incredibly large. This means that they will never forget what you've done.

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when trying to consume larger prey, horses can unhinge their jaws to open their mouths up to 140 degrees. Some can even fit larger animals like deer and moose into their mouths. Thats really wide!

Did you know?

The world record for oldest horse is currently held by the horse, Hatshepsut II, who was found inside of an ancient Egyptian tomb during an excavation in 1826 and is still alive today. Wild!

Did you know?

The scientific name for horses is equus caballus, which is latin for "horse".

Did you know?

Horses can reproduce asexually! When seperated from other horses, horses are able to birth genetic copies of them at an alarming rate.